加州大学 (UC) Transfer

加州大学 (UC) Transfer Requirements

Over 800 “大学 studenst transfer to a four-year university in 2017-2018! Explore your options, learn about the requirements, partner with 你的辅导员 and university representative to develop your transfer plan to get on course and on your 道路!

There are 9 UC campuses which offers undergraduate degrees: Davis, Berkeley, Santa Cruz, Merced, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, Irvine, Riverside, and San Diego.  ( San Francisco campus offers professional and graduate degrees.) 

The UC system has over 750 majors and over 150 disciplines. California community college students are given first priority over other transfer 申请人. 近三分之一的UC students start at a community college before graduating from a UC campus. 




转移技巧 & 需求

  • The best 道路 to keep track of your progress is through your UC Transfer Admission Planner at uctap.universityofcalifornia.edu. Create your account 开始 your path to the UC. You export this record into your UC application; it is also what the transfer representative reviews to tell how you are doing preparing for transfer, and the 加州大学开发 is what you submit to seek a UC Transfer 录取保证. Learn more about making the most of your 加州大学开发.
  • 开始做数学题吧 & 英语要求. The UC places a high priority on students that complete transferable math & English courses early in their academic 职业生涯. Your 加州大学开发 shows a summary of your progress 在这个区域.
  • The UC gives high priority to students who complete major preparation coursework early 在学术生涯中. 看看 www.协助.org for specific UC major requirements for each UC campus. 视图 协助教程 开始. Meet with a counselor or the 加州大学代表 to interpret the ASSIST articulation agreement by Major together. 注册心理学 咨询职业 & Education 规划 if you would like to set some career goals to help inform what kind of academic major you may want to pursue and help solidy 你潜在的UC专业.
  • Six of the 9 UC campuses offer a UC Transfer 录取保证! Learn about it early and partner with a counselor to develop an education plan that sets you up for that TAG when it is time to submit your UC Transfer Admission Planner 用于标签.
  • 还有数学 & English, and your major coursework, you are required to complete four courses in at least two of the following areas: Physical/Biological Sciences, Art/Humanities, Social/Behavioral Sciences. Your 加州大学开发 shows a summary of your progress 在这个区域.
  • Complete 60 UC transferable semester units with a minimum 2.平均绩点4 (2.8 for Non-residents) for minimum eligibility. The GPA for admission can be significantly higher due to the applicant pool. Your 加州大学开发 shows a summary of your progress in 这个区域.
  • In partnership with the UC transfer representative and 你的辅导员, determine if you will be completing the IGETC GE模式 or if prioritizing a specific UC campus breadth requirements or just the UC minimum requirements is most appropriate given your intended UC major(s).
  • Depending on your intended major at your intended UC campus(es), complete your general education (GE) requirements, usually by completing the Intersegmental 通识教育 Transfer Curriculum (IGETC). Meet with the UC transfer representative 在中转中心或 你的辅导员 to determine if this is right for you, given your intended UC major and UC destinations.
  • 按时申请! ALL UC’s accept junior transfer students in the Fall term, which requires you to apply a full year in advance. Some UC campuses accept Winter and Spring transfer 申请人. Remember to submit your UC Transfer Admission Planner if you are seeking a UC Transfer 录取保证.
术语 申请提交期
2023秋季加州大学的标签 September 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022
2023年秋季 October 1, 2022 - November 30, 2022​
冬季/春季2024年加州大学的标签 2023年5月1日- 2023年5月31日
冬天/ 2024年春季 July 1, 2023 - July 31, 2023



探索加州大学校园 & 专业 支付UC费用 通识教育 & IGETC

UC Transfer Admission Planner (加州大学开发) UC Transfer 录取保证 (加州大学的标签)

 申请援助 & 资源 在线申请 

Is My UC/Major Accepting Applications UC Personal Insight 问题